The last and most important stop on the trip south, Cefalu. It is a

small town in Sicily. It is located along the coast and is a prime tourist spot in the summer. Notorious for it's beautiful beaches and ancient fortification atop the 250 meter mountain. We stayed here for 5 days sketching and taking notes. For the next part of our project we broke into groups of 4. Our task was to gather information to create a series of

information boards regarding the town. The mayor of Cefalu paid for us to come and visit the town in exchange for some development ideas for current parking lots located along the sea. Our studio decided to focus on creating a series of hotels for this development. The parking lots were divided into six lots, to be developed by groups of four. As such we obviously spent the next five days thoroughly examining all the nooks and crannies Cefalu had to offer.

Of particular interest was the way that some of the houses budded right up against the water's edge.

There was a small dock for little boats, and the other side of the harbor a few concrete cubes were placed as wave breakers.

Along the beach there were a large number of drainage portals. Most intriguing because they were so dominate for such a small amount of run off. The large door like area allowed the water to spill out, creating a natural basin for the water to collect in. Eventually this flowed out to sea.

Obviously one of the most important things that Cefalu has to offer is the mountain. On the second day of arrival, we climbed to the top.

It was an... interesting journey, though the view from the top was incredible.

The last night that we were in Cefalu we met some very interesting Italian girls. The invited us

to their house for dinner. It seems all Italians are good cooks. They were very nice, and spoke English very well. They were studying for an English exam, and at the end brought out their text books and asked us to help them. All-in-all a very fun night.

Some other tide bits of information: The main church in the town was inspiring. It was simple,

but beautiful. It had modern stain glass windows, and decorative ceilings.

The first entrance into the city was highly downplayed. It was merely a hole cut away from the large stone stabs that it was comprised of.

The rest are photos from the 5 days spent in Cefalu, random objects of interest and people posing (some knowingly so, some not so much).

(Credits for those of you who don't know: Ryan Duffy Skipping Rocks at sunset; Erin Tumey leaning against the giant fortification; good old Lauren Pacheco posing amongst the rocks; Lauren P, John Peragallo, Eleni Vakalopoulos and Marco De Vittorio atop a wall; Me and Lauren Goetz; Joey Schettino and Jake Conte spy over a wall; the whole group at the ancient place of washing; and a random woman at the market.)
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