This is the first project. The project was to create 5 different boards, each representing a different site. The first board was an introductory board, and the rest were 4 of 7 sites that the class visited. Each board was to be hand drawn, with the options of pictures being put on. The boards while individual, must be able to be put together and look like one cohesive piece. The sites that I choose were Campidoglio, the Pantheon, the Spanish Steps, and Villa Giulia. I choose to have the bottom, be section cuts through each of the sites. I lined up the base of each section cut to help unify all the boards. Similarly I used a band of pictures along the top to unify the boards as well. With these two strong elements I was able to have a lot of freedom with the rest of the drawings. I thought it interesting to explore the half plan-half roof for 3 of the boards. I feel that this gives a little bit more information in the same amount of space. I rather like flooring patterns as mentioned before, and I found the drains at each site to be rather interesting, as such the picture in the upper right corner of the last four boards has a drain detail.

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